Emerald Cedars Dying in Sequence

Hello, I need some help from your experienced team. I’ve a row of Cedar trees at my home. The trees are now at least 12-14 feet tall, and it’s been 7 years since I got them planted. For the past…

Turning Grass Under in addition to sheeting

We have a very large garden on the bluffs – sandy soil. While there are flower beds along the perimeters, there is a large stretch of grass that has full sun which I would like to replace with native perrenials.…

My heart leaved asters will not bloom

Hello, My garden is located in north east Toronto near Markham. It has clay soil and seems compacted. I planted two heart leaved asters side by side three years ago. They have let out stalks to bloom every year, but…

Wisteria Stressed after Construction

Hello~ my well established (15yrs+) wisteria has sustained root damage from a retaining wall that was installed very close to it this past spring. It bloomed, but after blooming it didn’t leaf out as proficiently as in past years. Clearly…

Rooftop planter garden- growing trapped on pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Rooftop Planter Garden- Growing Trapped on Pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Rose chlorosis

Hello, I’ve read a lot online and here, and saw the post recommending to use chelated Iron supplement. My question is why is the chlorosis only in my climbing Rose Angela and not in any of the surrounding plants. Also…

Flipping sod for a new garden bed

I need to remove sod to build a new garden which will contain mostly trees and shrubs. If I flip the sod, do I need to cover it first with layers of newsprint or can I just cover with topsoil…

Japanese Maple – Garden Soil Testing help

Hi I have unsuccessfully tried planting blood good AND emperor 1 Japanese maples thrice in the past 5 years in the attached backyard garden, They thrive for a year and die out, some kind of disease I think. Is there…