Best Grow Lights for vegetable seedlings


I mostly grow vegetables and herbs in my garden and I”m wondering about starting seedlings indoors this year given that getting seedlings might prove difficult to get from my favourite supplier Urban Harvest. What should I be considering when choosing which kind of lights to purchase if I’m growing from seeds indoors… mostly tomatoes, basil, marigolds, kale, cucumber and a few more? With thanks


Hi, thank you for your question.

We are unable to provide specific brands of lights but our Gardening Guide to Growing from Seed suggests the following about growing lights:

Fluorescent lights are best because the light can be adjusted to the height of the seedling, to prevent legginess. Lights may be left on for 12 – 16 hours. Seeds can also be placed in fairly strong light in an east window. Total dark can be achieved by placing the flat in a black, plastic bag.

You may also find more information for growing your vegetable seeds in our Gardening Guide: Growing from Seed: A Toronto Master Gardener Guide, in the following link:


Growing from Seed: A Toronto Master Gardener Guide

You may also like to read our answer to a similar posted question: Grow lights or florescent lights and what to look for