Erosion control – steep slope gardening*


What material is best to use for both erosion control and the establishment of a steep slope garden (ravine setting)?


This question is a good one, pertinent to those with sloping gardens and also to the many Toronto gardeners whose properties back onto one of our beautiful ravines.  The Toronto Master Gardeners and the City of Toronto both recommend using native plants to help control erosion and to establish a ravine garden.

For some ideas on groundcovers in shade, here is a previous post that provides some good ideas for native plants that should work well:

Ground Covers for Slope

The City of Toronto’s website is also an excellent source of information about native plants:

Toronto’s LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) has a good list of native shrubs: click here


Finally, here is a Toronto Master Gardeners post that provides links to some terrific resources from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority about soil erosion, ravines, and what we can do to help preserve these important features of our topography: