Growing Plants in Cars


Hello there,

I am working on my thesis at the moment and am interested in bringing nature inside the automobile to bring life to the space like never before.

Do you think it is possible to grow plants within a car? If so, which types of plants would best thrive?

What are some characteristics you may find challenging with using the car as a garden?

Thank you!


Thank-you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners with your question. This certainly sounds like a challenging project!

The first thing to consider is that growing plants in containers in an indoor space (even regular houseplants) is essentially an effort to keep a plant alive; it is unlikely to thrive the way it would in an outdoor or natural setting. Any issues for houseplants are exacerbated in a car’s environment. The plant(s) selected will need to be very hardy and resilient. The car can get very hot in summer. It may need to be parked in the shade, and windows will need to be cracked. In the Ontario winter, it is unlikely that the plant(s) will survive in the car. They may need to be brought inside. Stability while the car is in motion is also an issue to be reckoned with.

A Google search of “plants in cars” brings up several relevant articles for you to peruse. The first few listed, an article from BalconyGardenWeb, 9 amazing plants you can grow in a car and one in Gardening Know How, Will plants survive in cars, suggest a few plants in common that you way wish to check out. A few of their recommendations are: snakeplant, pothos, lucky bamboo, and various succulents.

Good luck with your project!