Lemon Cypress


Hi! I have received a Lemon Cypress plant and l am not too sure how to take care of it. Does it live long or it’s just seasonal?
Also, can l plant it in the garden in the spring?

Thank you!


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners:

The following Toronto Master Gardener website provides information on lemon cypress:


To maintain its lovely colour the plant requires 6 (six) plus hours of sunlight a day. It also requires cooler temperatures in the winter, preferably a sun porch or near a cool window. The pot looks large enough for the current size of your Lemon Cypress: when it grows bigger transplant to a larger pot. Watering is important as it prefers moist soil. Do not let the soil dry out; at the same time make sure the soil drains and the roots are not sitting in the water. Removing the foil around the planter would promote better drainage. The Lemon Cypress, by pruning, can be kept to a smaller size — they adapt to some pruning and can be shaped into topiaries.

The following you tube video will assist with the care of your Lemon Cypress.
