Plants for poorly draining soil


I reside in Woodbridge on. Can u give me some ideas on type of plants /shrubs that would thrive in an area where drainage is poor and consequently has moist soil. A lot of different plants have been planted there and either died or don’t do well.
Thanku for your help


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners.

Below you will find a short list of plants that should do well for you in wet soil conditions.  This list is just the beginning, to get you going, but there are more plants out there that you could incorporate into your garden.

Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), Pussy Willow (Salix discolor), Inkberry Bush (Ilex glabra), Winterberry (Ilex verticillata), Tatarian Dogwood (Cornus alba), Sweer Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia), Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium maculatum), Leopard Plant (Ligularia dentata ‘Britt-Marie Crawford’), Blue Flag Iris (Iris versicolor), Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris), Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis), Yellow Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum).

A visit to your local nursery will let you know what other options there are, current plant stock and ordering possibilities for specific plants.

Hope this helps get your garden started, good luck.