Propagating perennials from Stem Cuttings


Hi there. I was just curious, is it possible to propagate perennials using stem cuttings, similarly to woody shrubs. The plants that I’m thinking of are blanket flower, milkweed, phlox, monarda, and penstemon. I garden in zone 5b.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners regarding propagating perennials by making stem cuttings.

An informative article by the Texas A & M AgriLife extension program, sing/propagating-foliage-flowering-plants/ explains methods in detail and a list of candidates for the process. In addition it describes leaf cutting methods and good candidates.

My personal preference of medium in which to stick my stem cuttings is Turface, a calcined clay product of small dimensions, thoroughly dampened and into which I insert the cutting and place in a clean transparent plastic bag, inflated and closed with a twist tie and kept on the windowsill until roots are formed. I usually reserve the rooting hormone for woody cuttings.

The following article will provide information about milkweed Asclepias incarnata stem cuttings:

For another article on how to propagate perennials from cuttings, click here.

Do experiment and have fun.