Red Spots on Bird of Paradise Leaf


I glad to see that tergardeners is responsing questions. I sure this picture are useful for both of us. So please look at the picture and tell me what i will should do to treat this. I am mot resident of torento and sorry for marking this box.


Hello – I’m sorry to see that your Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia) is having problems. We frequently get questions on the browning of leaves on Bird of Paradise and other houseplants. Your photo shows similar concerns so the information below comes from some previous answers.

While browning on leaves can have a variety of causes, the issue is frequently watering, both underwatering and overwatering. Overwatering can lead to dark and soggy fungal leaf spot while overwatering can create crispy, frequently curled edges and tears. From your photo, I think the leaf shows more of the characteristics of underwatering. Read through the article at the link below for other potential causes of the browning you are seeing.

Has this issue only recently appeared?  If so, what has changed that may be causing the soil to dry out more quickly? Has it been moved to a sunnier window or closer to a heat source? You may need to increase your watering schedule but be sure to allow the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil to dry before adding more water.

I notice that you have indicated that you are not a resident of Toronto.  When sending questions in the future, please let us know where you are located. There are Master Gardeners all over Ontario and across Canada so we may be able to direct you to a local group of Master Gardeners.

I am including a link to the Toronto Master Gardener’s guide to growing houseplants, I hope this can be of some help to you.