Weeping Pussy Willow tree


Are you able to root a branch to get another tree? Do the Pussy Willow’s have a seed?



Thanks for your question about propagating Weeping Pussy Willow ‘Pendula’ (Salix caprea).  This creeping groundcover species, and Salix cinerea, are both of European origin, and to be distinguished from the native North American species (Salix discolor) which are also called Pussy Willow. However, there are many willow varieties, and they are hard to distinguish one from the other.

Native pussy willow in particular is an important early source of food for pollinators.

The techniques for propagating any willow are pretty much the same. Almost all willow varieties are dioecious, meaning that male and female flowers are generally found on separate plants.  So unless you have two of them, or there are two growing in close proximity to one another, it is unlikely you would get viable seeds to propagate.  (However, if you do have viable seed, see the link below to the Wild Seed Project.)

Fortunately, willows are easy to root from cuttings.   “Willows can be propagated vegetatively by cuttings. One to two-foot lengths of last year’s wood (growth) can be plunged directly into the ground [or into pots filled with potting soil] inmid-spring when the catkins are maturing [as] willows produce their own rooting hormones.” [Wild Seed Project – Pussy Willows].

Please see also the following sites for propagation and plant care tips:

MasterClass.com – How to Grow Pussy Willow

The Spruce.com – Planting Willow Trees for Spring