Buying Wisteria cuttings

Is there a resource where we can purchase Wisteria cuttings? Is that even a thing? The intention is to create a bonsai from it.…

I stripped a piece of Wisteria bark

Hi there, hoping you can help – a week ago, I accidentally stripped a piece of bark from the lower trunk of our 5 year old wisteria (I was attempting to pull a lower twig off – I know I…

Clematis blight on a Josephine Clematis

I have a Josephine clematis in a pot on a south west facing terrace on the 8th floor of a condo. It has many blooms, but the flowers and buds have started to droop with brown stems. This happened last…


I live near High Park and am considering vines for privacy. Could you recommend a perennial vine that has dense foliage stays on it’s trellis and doesn’t wander grows rapidly to ten + ft is hardy grows in sun and…

Propagating wisteria from cuttings

Hello, does anyone have experience propagating a wisteria from cuttings of a mature wisteria vine? I am trying to start a wisteria from cuttings taken from a Wisteria that my mom grew. She is now gone, but it would be…

Clematis’s Cut-back

Hello, I have cut back my 2 clematis early in spring. Last fall I mistakenly did too early (end of summer) to the RIGHT one. The other one (LEFT) was not done anything on purpose to see how it grows.…

Pruning new Clematis Montana Elizabeth

I am wondering how I should prune my new Clematis Montana Elizabeth (planted in May 2023). I know group 1 Clematis don’t necessarily need to be pruned, and they should only be pruned after they finish flowering, but I read…

Planter for north-facing balcony in Toronto

Last year I planted daffodils in an old cooler on our north facing, 2nd floor balcony, and we’ve been rewarded with a lovely display this year. I’m now more ambitious – I want to plant a shade-loving honeysuckle or clematis.…

Pink Climbing Rose for container growing

Hi there, I’m planning to plant a pink climbing rose in a flower box with trellis outdoor (around 70inch in heights). I live in Markham Ontario so it’s zone 6a. I prefer large bloom size with light fragrance. Could you…