Lawn alternative *

I’m looking for a sort of lawn alternative. We have a large area of dirt (4 thousand square feet) that is needing coverage. We do not want to plant grass due to maintenance. We are looking for a low growing,…

Removal of ant colony in a lawn*

We have two large ant colonies (large black ants, not carpenter) in our lawn. The ground is soft where they are and I have tried pouring boiling water down the holes, using vinegar, etc but they keep coming back. What…

old sod*

Hello. I am replacing part of my backyard lawn. i have removed the top layer of old sod which has mostly dandelions and clover. do I have to get rid of it completely before putting new sod or I can…

planting grass for the first time in backyard*

I am hoping to attempt to plant grass seed in my backyard. I live in downtown Toronto and my backyard is mostly shaded by large trees in the area. There is some patchy grass near the back of my yard…