Terms of Use

Collection and Use of Personal Information:

          Name and Phone Number (Toronto Master Gardeners Phone Line)

By submitting a question via the Toronto Master Gardeners phone line (416-397-1345) and providing your name and phone number, you consent to the collection and use of your name and phone number for the following purposes only:

        • Toronto Master Gardeners will collect and use your name and phone number to contact you by phone and provide you with an answer to your question.
        • Toronto Master Gardeners will electronically record your name and phone number to document your question, formulate a response, and verify that an answer has been provided to you.           

          Email Address (Toronto Master Gardeners Ask a Master Gardener Webpage)

By submitting a question via the Ask a Master Gardener webpage and providing your email address, you consent to the collection and use of your email address for the following purposes only:

        • Toronto Master Gardeners will notify you by email when we have answered your inquiry and to provide you with a copy of the answer.
        • Toronto Master Gardeners may contact you by email if we require additional details in order to answer your inquiry.

Toronto Master Gardeners will not use your name, phone number or email address for any purposes other than those stated above.

Storage of Personal Information:

Your name, phone number and/or email address will be stored on the Toronto Master Gardeners website on a secure server hosted by WordPress (for information about WordPress security, please click here). Only qualified members of Toronto Master Gardeners whose role includes either 1) managing or updating web content; or 2) answering questions that have been submitted via the Toronto Master Gardeners phone line or website, will have access to your personal information. Your personal information will not be transferred or disclosed to any other website, server, or third party. Once your question has been answered, your personal information will be retained for a period of 4-6 weeks, at which time it will be permanently deleted from the Toronto Master Gardeners website.