Narrow growing evergreen *


Please recommend an evergreen that will grow less than 4 feet wide and 10 feet tall. Upright columnar yew? Faces east and will have about 6 hours of sunlight. Pickering Ontario location. To be planted beside a porch.



There are a number of evergreens that will meet your size requirements but many such as the Junipers prefer full sun. Columnar yews are a good choice as they are hardy, will tolerate shade and city conditions and can be pruned top and sides to maintain their size and shape. There are a number of varieties to choose from including hicks and hills yews. I have included a link  to a site discussing choosing landscape evergreens. Note that all parts of this plant are poisonous if eaten.

You could also look at some of the smaller cedars – Thuja occidentalis. Although many are medium sized trees ‘Emerald Green’ is a popular smaller tree with a pyramidal shape, 10-15′ high by 3-4′ wide. It prefers full sun but can tolerate some shade and can also be pruned.