Fall Mums


If I purchase fall mums, nurture indoors and replant outdoors Spring 2020 would they root well enough to endure winter of 2020/2021…thanks


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners with your question.  We have previously answered a similiar question. Please  see the previous response at Overwintering chrysanthemums  — note that the plant should be planted outdoors at least 6 weeks before a heavy frost (i.e., by early October).  You could plant the mums outdoors now, and they should have time to develop a strong enough root system to survive the winter, if they are the hardy type of chrysanthemum. Next years blooms should be even better!

If you prefer to keep the mums indoors until spring, plant them after all threat of frost has passed – they will have the entire growing season to develop strong roots for the following winter.  Another prior posting Hardy chrysanthemums – for indoors?   provides helpful information about how to keep mums alive indoors.

Which ever route you chose to take hopefully you will have lovely chrysanthemums to enjoy again next year.