Fast growing non invasive hedge


I am looking for the best choice for a low 3ft hedge, dense for privacy in full Sun. Please let me know your recommendation and where i can find in the GTA


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners.

With the increase in urban density creating a privacy hedge has become a very popular topic. Here is a link to  a number of our Q&A’s that provide helpful information with regard to choice of plants and their maintenance.

Toronto Master Gardeners also have a Gardening Guide on Evergreens Suitable for Hedging.

Yews (Taxus spp.) Yews come in many sizes and shapes( pyramidal, columnar, global and spreading and lend themselves to trimming. They will grow in sun, partial shade and full shade. Before you make your choice make sure to check the mature height and spread.

Cedars are another excellent choice of evergreen. Cedars (Thuja) are one of the most versatile evergreens in Canada. There are very few areas of the country where you cannot grow at least one variety of cedar and they always lend themselves to ‘trimming’ and make a great looking hedge.

If you are looking for a deciduous hedge you might consider hornbeam or beech. These trees grow quite large so would require maintenance to maintain it to the 3′ height.

Toronto Master Gardeners give gardening advice but do not provide recommendations for specific nurseries. Your local garden center should carry any or all of the above suggestions. If not then  Landscape Ontario  has an excellent search function, where you can find centres close to your home on-line.

Happy planting!