How to grow, bloom and propagate Stephanotis floribunda in Toronto?


What are the best conditions (soil mix, humidity, temperature, fertilizing, lighting, house location (indoor/outdoor)) for growing and blooming Stephanotis floribunda/Madagascar Jasmine? Are its growing conditions like hoya’s or jasmine’s? Should I give it summer vacation outdoor? Can I cut off the peduncles after the flowers faded or will the new flowers grow from the existing peduncles like hoya? How to propagate it successfully – water, perlite, moss or soil mix method? what is the proper protocol? By the way, how to propagate a Jasmine ‘Belle of India’ successfully in Toronto? Thanks


When we talk about Stephanotis plant care, we’re talking about Stephanotis floribunda, or Madagascar jasmine, though it is not a member of the jasmine family. It is one of five to ten species identified within the genus of twining vine-like shrubs and is the most popular among indoor gardeners. The flowers present as narrow, tubular, waxy horns about 2 inches (5 cm.) in length. Each flower has a crown of five lobes and stamens that someone long ago thought looked like tiny ears, hence the name from the Greek stephanos (crown) and otis (ear). The leaves are leathery, oval-shaped, and opposite and the plant’s woody tendrils can grow to 20 feet (6 m.) in the wild. Since it is a tender, tropical perennial, info on the Stephanotis flower is usually directed to indoor care, for Stephanotis is very particular about its mini-climate environment.

Indoor care of Stephanotis can be problematic and they tend to suffer from shock when their environment is radically changed.

One of the reasons there isn’t more written about Stephanotis plant care is their difficult nature. Stephanotis are easiest to grow in greenhouses where strict attention can be paid to their needs. That being said, plants can be moved outdoors during the summer but mist be moved indoors when temperatures approach 3.9C. During the summer growth season, this vine requires full sun, abundant water, high humidity and a balanced fertilizer such as 20-20-20.

Stephanotis are particularly challenging in winter. Indoor care of Stephanotis doesn’t mesh well with the winter care of people. They demand much cooler temperatures hovering around 55 degrees F. (13 C). If the temperature rises too high, the plant will die. Anything below 50 degrees F. (10 C.) is usually too cold for the plant’s survival. Their watering requirements drop dramatically, but they still like the occasional misting. Do not fertilize during the winter months.

The following site has a nice chart which outlines growing conditions such as temperature, light, soil, and moisture as well as repotting, propogation and pruning.

Good luck with your plant. May it give you much enjoyment.

December 31, 2021