Perennials for our home garden


Please suggest perennial plants for our front yard.

Thank you.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners. To help you select the best perennials for your front yard, you need to consider two things: light conditions of your front yard and the type of soil you have. All perennials have different requirements for growth. Some perennials thrive with six hours of sun, others need only four hours and others prefer a fair amount of shade. Some perennials like sun in the morning and others tolerate the hot afternoon sun. To figure out how much light there is in your garden; observe where the sun is at different hours of the day. By doing this you will have a better idea as to whether you can plant sun loving or shade loving perennials.
It is also important to understand the type of soil you have because different perennials grow best in different types of soil. To help you identify the soil in your front lawn please review these links:
Once you know the light conditions of your front yard and the type of soil you have, it will be easier for you to select perennials that will thrive in your front yard. Here are some Toronto Master Gardener planting guides that describe perennials that grow under different light and soil conditions.

Long Blooming Perennials: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide