Peony problems

I have had 8 peonies for many years. This year I’m noticing on a couple of them fewer buds, some circular holes in the buds, and quite a few that are small, brown and dried up looking. Most are in…

Non-Native Plants for Pollinators

Hello, is there a place to get a list of non-native options for a pollinator garden? I’ve looked up a lot of native plant options, but was sad to learn that caryopteris isn’t native (in my experience, bees go nuts…

Pest or fungus damaging a peony plant

Peony plant, mostly sunny spot, well drained soil, began to have curled deformed leaves as it transitioned from red shoots to stalks and leaves. No buds, and patches of the plant are looking quite deformed and affected stalks now turning…

Rodgersia damage/pest?

Something is eating the leaves of my rodgersia. It is eating large chunks of the leaves and leaving the stems. I have searched for slugs or caterpillars but haven’t found any. Do you have any ideas?…

Chives have taken over my garden!

Hi. Somehow my entire front yard/garden is covered in a thick layer of chives. They come back in increasing numbers every year. How can I stop them shy of removing the top couple inches of soil? Attached is a picture…

Mini hosta

I am trying to find 2 mini hostas in the Toronto area? I had 2 on a grave but mowers cut down and no growth this year. If you could please suggest where to try. Originally purchased at horticultural school…

Best Soil Composition

What is the best soil composition for a new small bed of Hostas and Ferns in the upper Beach area of Toronto where the soil is sandy? I can buy premixed soil or mix it myself.…

Poolside ornamental grass

Hello! I would love to plant some ornamental grass in this area. The depth is approx. 1ft. There is not much moisture here as there is a fence on the other side. I was hoping to plant tall and bold…

Peony buds are deformed

Hello: For the past few years the buds on several peonies are deformed, especially on an older planting of Red Charm. Recently, the same deformation is occuring on Lemon Chiffon which is only 3 years old. The buds are large,…

What to Plant Under Cedars

I have cedar hedges that line my sides of property probably over 30 years old. They stand easily 20ft high. On one side they go right down to the ground but on the other side (pictured) they have been cut…