Roses and Lily of the Valley Cohabitation?

Can hybrid tea roses survive/flourish in a bed where lily of the valley is spreading? Do I try to plant hybrid tea rose in this sunny location? Is it possible for the roses to thrive surrounded by lilly of the…

Haberlea Rhodopensis

Hello, I am in zone 5 Toronto. Would the Orpheus flower grow in dry shade or dappled sunlight? Where can I buy this plant?…

Karl foerster feather reed grass

Im trying to creat a big clump of Karl Foerster feather reed grass in my garden bed, right in front of an old overgrown globe arborvitae, and besides a smooth hydrangea bush which will mature to about 5 by 5…

Woody Dying Lavendar

Hello, I live in North York. I have had a healthy lavender plant for several years and I have pruned it end of season as advised. This year it is all woody except for a a small amount of green…

Storm damage to hostas

My hostas were shredded by that storm yesterday. Will those tattered leaves remain all summer? If I cut them back, will new leaves emerge?…

Ornamental grasses

All of my grasses( WARM) died this winter I find this mind bogging to loose them all at once Any idea why. Last year they were very healthy.…

Hellebore Niger

I live in the Junction Toronto. I have 2 hellebore niger, one planted in the front of the house facing west, the other planted in a raised bed in the back also facing west. These were transplanted from our country…


Just bought 2 potted plants of hellebores at TBG today, Apr 8th and wanted to know when is a best time to transplant them to the ground? Should I do it now or later? If later, should I keep the…