Roses and Lily of the Valley Cohabitation?

Can hybrid tea roses survive/flourish in a bed where lily of the valley is spreading? Do I try to plant hybrid tea rose in this sunny location? Is it possible for the roses to thrive surrounded by lilly of the…

Lily of the Valley- Is it invasive?

I just bought Lily of the Valley at a nursery and was wondering if it is invasive? Should I plant it?  I love the smell of the flowers or or should I take it back to the store? Thank you…

PLANT ID – Campanula rapunculoides

Hi there, Could you help me identify if this plant is weed or ground cover? It grows and spreads very fast. It has extensive root system and grows even in the middle of other plants. Thank you very much…

Lily of the valley

Hi all, I bought this from the plant sale at TBG. When plant it over the weekend, discovered that the blooms are white. Will they become pink later pls? Thanks in advance!!…

Barberry hedge removal from yard

Hello, we recently moved into a ’50s home with a barberry hedge that’s probably as old. We think it’s a Japanese barberry. We’re in a corner lot and the hedge doesn’t offer much privacy and we would like to plant…

Hardy False Bamboo

Hello, I live in downtown Toronto (the annex) and have seen what looks like bamboo canes growing in someone’s front yard . This fall I noticed quite a lot of them on the front porch(cut off ) . Since I’m…