Annual devastation by spider mites

Hello, master gardener. Spider mites are my nemesis. I engage in a, mostly losing, battle with them every year over the the plants I try to grow in planters on my east-by-south-east-facing Riverdale balcony. They devastate my aristolochia and impatiens,…

Scarlet Runner Beans being eaten on the vine

Climate: Hot and sunny through Summer (a little bit north of Toronto). Beans usually thrive. Soil is amended triple mix. Two beans are in pots, others are in a raised bed which is at least 40ft away from the pots.…

Japanese Maple , Petunias

Hello, I was looking for some assistance. I have a Japanese Maple that was thriving a few weeks ago and now some of the leaves on a few branches look burnt and shriveled up. I am not sure if this…

Eastern Filbert Blight

I purchased a Corylus Avellana ‘Red Majestic” top-graft tree in May 2019 from a reputable Ontario wholesale nursery. It is a small tree approximately 5 feet tall. This summer the leaves are turning yellow, dying and falling off. It is…

Leaves riddled with holes

My front garden plants are always attacked by insects that eat through the leaves, with the plants sometimes losing about 80% of leaves. I don’t know what kind these insects are, but I’ve included a photo. This occurs on a…

Insect: Neurocolpus Nubilus (Clouded Bug

Would this particular insect be coming from sumac trees that are within a foot of my property line? I have an infestation on some of my flower varieties? Shasta Daisy; Echienacia, butterfly bush; is there anyway of getting rid of…

Insects eating trumpet vine flowers

This the addition to the first post I did earlier today, when I took a closer look, still didn’t see insect, but noticed the leaves are eaten too. I live in Toronto, 4 years ago I planted a trumpet vine,…

Dwarf juliette cherry tree

my family bought this for me for father’s day a number of weeks ago and i have put it in some black soil/potting mix. the pot faces east and gets the morning and late morning sun. It was water daily…

Bug ID

Hello, Can you please tell me what these bugs are? They are in my vegetable garden and I’m not sure if they are good ones or not! I’d prefer not to spray and treat organically if possible but need to…

Follow-up question to response about dealing with red aphids

First, thank you so much for identifying the red aphids that are infesting my False Sunflower ‘Bleeding Hearts’! I’ve taken your advice and sprayed (all hundred million of them) with insecticidal soap, and hope you’ll indulge a follow-up question: what…