What plant is this*

 I purchased a plant at a yard sale and was told it was a Hydrangea macrophylla. I have had it in different areas of my yard with varying degrees of sunlight. I’ve trimmed it in the fall, or not at…

Growing roses in containers*

I read in the Q&A that with proper protection, roses can survive Toronto’s winter. My home is at Leslie and south of Steele. However when I bought 8 floribundas roses from Sheridan garden, the advice is it will not survive…

Forsythia and Bridal Wreath*

I have one of each of the above, both 4yrs old and I cannot get either to bloom yet. Both in partial shade, moist soil. Never been pruned. each one is approx. 3feet tall. How do I get them to…


Not sure if my earlier question got to you because the network may have had a brief interruption. I am in Toronto and just installed three rhododendrons in a corner under an oak tree. The area is in the shade.…

Rose slugs eating my roses*

Small (1 cm),greenish/yellow caterpillars are eating the leaves on my roses. Can you please tell me what they are and what I can do to control them?  …

Heptacodium miconioides – Seven Son Flower*

I read about this plant in a Marjorie Harris article and on Paul’s Plant Picks on this website. Do you know where I would find it in Toronto? I have been searching for an interesting small tree for some time…

Hydrangea paniculata*

We live in southern Quebec. We bought a hydrangea paniculata tree last year and the blooms were beautiful. I pruned the blooms off in the winter as they were falling off. This year the tree grew leaves but there are…

Front Beauty*

I recently took out some plants that were blocking the view to my house and was looking to replace them with plants and small trees that are specimen like and flower or show interesting characteristics at different times of the…

What is the name of this bush/tree? *

Two years ago we moved to the Kingston area from Ottawa and while cleaning out the overgrown gardens I found this lovely shrub. It had all of 2 branches at the time so I carefully propped it up, gave it…