Spacing for a Dappled Willow hedge*

Hi there, I recently purchased Dappled Willow shrubs to create a privacy hedge between my yard and my neighbours. I read on a website that the spacing should be 2′ apart but then on another website it should be 4-6′.…

Front yard trees*

Two years ago I removed the shrubs from my front yard and replaced them with Japanese Maples (one on each side of my path). I recently did construction and it doesn’t look like they survived the shock. What trees would…

Trimming my new hydrangea tree*

This is the 1st year for my hydrangea tree as it was planted late last Fall. Early this Spring I cut back the dead branches. It is leafing out very nicely now but, I notice, I didn’t pay enough attention…

Rose of Sharon tree*

My Rose of Sharon only bloomed on one side last year and right now, there is no sign that it will bloom this year. What can I do to keep my tree alive.  …

Lilac pruning*

I have a lilac tree, I.e. Only one trunk coming up from ground. It has been among trees which have now been removed and the lilac is very straggly. It is in flower now and after it has finished flowering…

Insect affecting hydrangea*

I live in the Markham area, I experienced this last year and can see it is happening this year too. My hydrangea are getting there new leaves, however, some of the leaves are closed shut like a cocoon. When i…

Dwarf Korean lilac standard dying*

Our dwarf Korean lilac standard has been dying bit by bit for about 3 years now! We have cut the dead bits out every year, but each year more and more dies! It gets sun from about noon on and …