Prepping a shrub rootball for spring moving

Hi. I have two medium/large honeysuckles and a very large mugo pine that I’d like to dig up and relocate. I’d heard that it’s best to cut down into the roots at the canopy drip line in the fall… then…

Cutting back tree peonies

I would like to keep my tree peony short. It is quite bushy now and about 3 feet high. Can I cut it back as I do with regular peony bushes?…

Mock Orange bushes

We have beautiful tall Mock Orange bushes that have been growing beautifully and flowering well for 20 years. Every year in the spring there is a lot of dead branches. I always trim them back. Is this the correct procedure…

Runaway Bride Hydrangea

This potted shrub has produced a superlative display. Then instead of deadheading it I actually pruned it by mistake in midsummer. Now it is taking over my balcony! What to do? There are still a few flowers – do I…

Boxwood and pruning other flowers, trees and shrubs

I would like to know if there us a basic schedule to follow for  pruning the following: Hydrangea (limelight and annabelle), Weigela, Hosta, Rose of Sharon, Hicks Yew and Perennial flowers? All in fall or spring.  Trying to streamline. I…

Rose leaves turn rust coloured

I am in Mississauga, Ontario and the leaves on my roses are changing colour starting at the tip. They are are planted in a sunny area.…

Rose Rookie

Hi folks, My wife and I just returned from touring a great many gardens over in England. We were hugely impressed by the rose varieties there and have decided to finally try growing some for the first time here in…

Rose of Sharon

Can a Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon be trained to climb over an arbor? How? Mine gets only about 4 hours of sun; will it survive? Thanks!    …

What’s wrong with my berry bushes?

I don’t know what’s wrong with my raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and honeyberry bushes and I’m afraid it’s blight. About a month ago we had to prune and ultimately destroy a pear tree that a Toronto Master Gardener confirmed (by its…