Tree by a pool *

The city is planting a tree on the street near our pool. We have clay soil. The city has provided the following list of trees. Which one is the least messy? Skyline honeylocust Hackberry Homestead elm Greenspire linden Crimson king…

Tree/Shrub Suggestions for Zone 4b *

In a sunny, fairly dry location (rain dependent), what kind of tree would “anchor” the corner of my lot, near my sidewalk? I don’t want anything flowering (bees/insects), given the foot traffic past this location. Also the height of the…

Looking for tree Seeds*

We Just moved to Toronto and would like to buy some tree seeds from the market. we need your help to find stores who sell tree seeds. my dad wants to try and see different types of trees, its kind…

Chlorinated wading pool water and drought-dried trees*

The current severe drought is making trees stressed all over the city. At Dufferin Grove Park, five younger trees have died already, and many others, even big trees, are starting to show brown leaves or bare branches. The short showers…

Plum Tree Black Knots *

Dear there, I am writing this for my mother-in-law. Three plum trees in our backyard are having severe black knots. Can we get help from you? or Can we get an expert to treat the trees? We would like to…

City of Toronto Tree Selection*

I am scheduled to receive a replacement tree from the city. It is to replace an ash which was killed by the beetle infection. The two choices that they have offered are for a London Plane Tree or a Hackberry.…

Hydrangeas Vine and Peegees*

Hi there, I have both vines and shrubs with the leaves turning varigated. I’ve fertilized them with Miracle Grow (the nursery said this would address any potential iron issues) and still this has been happening every year for the last…

Box Elder Beetles*

  Ever since the removal of a large Manitoba maple in a nearby yard, we have been experiencing a massive infestation of box elder bugs. I’ve bought a high pressure hose to blast them away but is there anything else…