Peegee Hydrangea*

The leaves have suddenly turned yellow with the veins remaining green. Zone 5b full sun. Dry. Loam…

Persimmon Tree*

I live in a row house in downtown Toronto. In the front garden is a persimmon tree that I planted some 20 years ago bare root. It is healthy and sends out off shoot trees in my neighbours’ gardens (left…

Planting a Copper Beech Tree*

I planted a Copper Beech purchased at a local nursery two weeks ago. I have planted hundreds of trees, so I have some experience digging holes , adding triple mix to the soil, and planting. This tree seemed fine until…

Growing roses in Iberia*

I would like to grow roses in my garden in Iberia. Will roses survive in this hot, dry climate? Most of my neighbours have artificial flowers. Do they know something that I don’t? Any help would be appreciated.    …

Hydrangea and Chipmunks*

Hello! 2 questions if I may: 1. How to control a chipmunk problem. I have numerous chipmunk holes in my garden. One of these homes is under one of my flower gardens. They dig holes everywhere. Any suggestions? I cannot…

Heptacodium miconioides – Seven Son Flower*

I read about this plant in a Marjorie Harris article and on Paul’s Plant Picks on this website. Do you know where I would find it in Toronto? I have been searching for an interesting small tree for some time…


Good afternoon and thanks for your time. We moved in to our house in Burlington 4 years ago, and during that spring, I planted two blushing bride hydrangeas (don’t remember the latin name) in a small garden in front of…

Syringa reticulata ‘ivory silk’*

My syringa reticulate “Ivory silk tree has dead branches & wilted leaves. Could this be verticillium wilt? If so, how would I treat it? We are having a very dry summer so is it possible that it needs a good…

Planting under a magnolia tree *

We live in Toronto and recently moved into a new home with a gorgeous magnolia tree. The only thing currently growing under it are grape hyacinths – the previous owners had covered the whole area under the tree with small…

Tree is turning red at the end of June! *

There are three trees on my street that have turned red even though it is just June. I don’t know what type they are but it has very much confused me and I would like to know why this is…