Ornamental Cherry Trees*

Our ornamental cherry tree has some dead branches in it, which were there last year too. I think the two very cold winters we had might be the cause. I have been water, water, watering and have added fertilizing spikes…

Weird stuff on my linden tree leaves*

Hello. I have noticed weird stuff on my linden tree leaves. It comes every year for at least last three years. Some leaves look normal even with that stuff, but others took completely deformed. Overall the whole tree looks good,…

Locust Tree – All Branches Dead*

Hello – I planted 4 locust trees at my cottage 4 years ago. Last spring, one of the trees appeared dead (no leaves) in the established branches but had vigorous suckers growing from the trunk all of the way up…

Red maple tree is not growing*

Hi, I bought and planted a red maple tree 2 years ago. Last year it didn’t get good leaves and most of the branch had no leaves. This year same thing happens again and the leaves don’t look healthy. I…

Rehoming a Tree*

Hello! Somehow we have not noticed a tree growing in our front yard, which is now about a meter high. It has been identified as northern catalpa. We absolutely cannot accommodate this beautiful and magnificent but enormous, when mature, tree.…

Front yard trees*

Two years ago I removed the shrubs from my front yard and replaced them with Japanese Maples (one on each side of my path). I recently did construction and it doesn’t look like they survived the shock. What trees would…

Hydrangea tree damage*

I transplanted a hydrangea tree, it fell over in my truck and got damaged, I was wondering if it will survive, I attached a picture of the damage thx    …

apple serviceberry trees*

I have a small south facing garden in Toronto just newly landscaped with three of these saplings. they did well for about a week or so with blooms but in last few days lost all flowers and leaves are drooping. …

High Park Sakura Trees*

Hello Toronto Master Gardeners! The Sakura cherry trees in High Park have failed to produce any blooms this year and I am wondering why this would be. The leaves on the trees have flushed out for the most part. Were…

Cherry trees did not bloom this spring (2016)*

Hi Master Gardeners, My question is about flowering cherry trees. We have a city-owned cherry tree (type unknown, the blossoms are white) on our boulevard that normally produces lovely blossoms every year. This year – nothing. The same goes for…