My avocado seed has weird white fungi on the roots I tried to wash it away and added a bit of hydrogen peroxide to the water(several sources said it was ok) I also snipped the very top of the plant off to encourage new grown but it has just stopped growing. I have the seed in a glass cup filled with water, I keep it on my window sill( also the white fungi is still there)
Thank you for writing: whether you grew your plant from seed, or inherited it, nurturing an avocado plant indoors can be a rewarding horticultural experiment. A brief bit of background: the avocado belongs to the plant family Lauraceae, or Laurel, which also includes cinnamon and bay laurel. Avocado are grown throughout the world where there is sufficient warmth, sunshine, water, desired soil and situation for excellent drainage.
For indoor growing of a fledgling avocado plant, one needs to replicate these cultural requirements, as best as possible.
It seems you have both pinched off the top of your plant’s new growth, and have also tried to get rid of some white fungus/mold on the roots by trying to wash it off and added hydrogen peroxide to the water. This is a lot for your plant to be dealing with right now. The process of “washing” the roots could very likely have damaged the very important root hairs of the plant’s system. Cutting off the top growth could also have put the small plant into shock.
It is possible that the plant is currently working on re-establishing the root system, before it can put energy into new leaf growth.
You may want to re-locate your plant into a new, clean, smallish (5″-7.5″) plastic pot, as carefully and gently as possible, so as not to disturb any new regenerative root growth. Ensure the pot has open bottom drainage holes. Use the best potting soil you can get (treat the roots ‘with kid gloves’). Put the pot into a large saucer that, going forward, can catch all run-off water, after regular, quenching watering.
Mold on the roots of avocado pips grown in water is quite common. If you keep it in water, you could change the water more often, especially if you notice it is going brown. But the quickest way to get rid of the mold, is potting the plant up in soil, making sure it has a sunny spot, and that it is kept well fed and watered. We’re providing a link for yourself, and other like-minded readers, on details on How to grow an avocado from the pit , and another link to review how well you have done thus far in raising an avocado.
While you nurture your plant back to good health, please know you’re not alone with avocado-growing challenges.
Sept. 4, 2022