
We brought our mandevilla in for the winter. It had few flowers over the winter indoors, and it has lots of green leaves now ,but very few flowers. We are now ready to take it on our terrace and was…

Moving a Clematis

hello I have later summer blooming clematis I want to move out of the shade this year and into the sun where it will be happier. I now a good time to move it? I have read conflicting advice on…

North west balcony suggestions pls

Hi ! I am new to gardening and while reading about gardening I came across Toronto master gardeners website and it has been very helpful to understand some basics, do’s and don’ts. So thank you for that. I am looking…

Non-agressive Wisteria

Hello, I recently moved into a century home in North Toronto area. There is a pergola on top of a deck in the backyard about 20ft from the house. I’d like to have a wisteria there. However, I don’t want…

Wisteria pruning

Is it too late to prune wisteria? We are putting our house up for sale in May and the wisteria is out of control right now. I realize looking at a previous question i should have pruned late winter. But…

planting a shrub in a patio

Good afternoon, I live on the 4th floor of a high rise condo building. I face north (therefore quite shaded in the summer) and live above the parking garage. This allows residents on the 4th floor to have a patio…

Pruning clematis

I have a jackmanii clematis in a partially shaded garden. I bought it last spring. At first it grew slowly. Then it started to grow along the fence and produced a lot of purple flowers. A couple of weeks ago…

clematis sprouts from bag open

Hi, Master, I bought some Clematis from local grocery store. When I opened bags, all of them have white sprouts already, length from 10cms to 25cms. Will these sprouts turn to heath stems? If not, should I remove them from…

evergreen privacy vine Added ps

We would like to grow vines along a chain link fence. Flowers would be nice but our main requirement is to provide a significant amount of privacy from close neighbours. We’d like a vine reasonably quick growing that is evergreen…

Potato vine tubers

Hi: I overwintered some potato vine tubers and need to know when to take them out of the box,cut them into pieces and pot up. Also I saved a few plants in the basement with sunlight and some water over…