Growing new ivy over dead branches*

I have a high and very long south stone garden wall that was covered with ivy. It used to be massive – incredibly thick, flourishing for decades. Three winters ago, a very hard winter, it started to fail and the…

Full Sun Vines*

Hello, I live on the 6th floor of an apartment building and my balcony faces south/west, so it gets full sun from about 11AM until sunset. I would like to plant a vine that could climb the netting I have…

carpenter ants in wisteria vine trunk*

Bayview & Eglinton area, we have a 29 year old wisteria vine that has been invaded by carpenter ants. Can you suggest treatments or professionals we should hire. I have video of the ants at night, but I don’t know…

tiny front garden ideas*

Hello, My front is a just 18″ deep and about 10 feet long – it was once just concrete but we have recently removed it and placed a wooden barrier around it. The house is south facing so I am…

What to do with very large Wisteria vine?*

Hello ! I’m calling to ask what we should do with the hundreds and hundreds of beans hanging off our Wisteria vine?  It’s at least 10 years old, or older, and it produces a huge amount of these mahogany-coloured beans,…


I bought a home in Toronto and was hugely swayed by the wisteria and trump vines that appeared to be so very established. I have yet to see any green on them as of yet and it is now May…

Short hardy vine*

My daughter lives in downtown Toronto (Kensington Market area) and has a space 3′ by about 13′ between a sidewalk and a lattice fence she would like to hide. She is very busy and needs something to plant that needs…

Transplanting a Clematis Virginiana*

Hello. I live in Toronto. For years we have enjoyed a beautiful vine that has grown from my neighbor’s yard up an electrical pole and onto some wires across our yard. Though it does not sound great it is actually…