No Growth of perennial seeds in containers *

So, I’m having trouble getting seeds growing on the rooftop of my low rise building. I go up there everyday to water with the watering can. I have sowed wildflower seeds in most of the containers, big & small, up…

Foxtail Lilly and Eastern Redbud *

My gardens are located near Warkworth, Northumberland County. I have germinated several foxtail lilies and eastern redbud from seed in small pots. Partially due to being on the edge of zone 5, I am concerned what to do next regarding…

Thinning Hostas*

I transplanted hostas, thinking of saving them while renovating another part of the house, for their eventual return to the front garden. They may have overshadowed a mundane six feet tall fence. It’s hard to have the perspective of an…

Risks of removing leaves to peonies*

  I read your reply to “white powder on peonies”. To treat a similar mildew, I took the option of snipping leaves instead of using a chemical. However, by the time i was finished, most of the foliage was gone.…

Hosta leaves have holes*

I live in the Annex neighborhood of Toronto. I have clay soil and lots of happy hostas. But some of my blue hostas have holes in some of their leaves, year after year. These particular hostas are growing under the…

Himalayan Dandelion*

I am looking for a Himalayan dandelion. We had one in our garden and it was quite an attraction as it only bloomed at night. I got a little over zealous this past spring while cleaning up our garden and…

Astilbe Companion Flowers*

I am going to have to transplant my astilbes. The problem is, the area between the sidewalk and the astilbes gets sun. I would like a low-growing complimentary plant that will not hide the astilbes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.…

Bamboo in Toronto*

Hello, We have a rooftop garden in a Toronto Condo and wanted to know if Bamboo would grow well in a container? If so, is there a recommended type? Many thanks,…

Mystery Plant- Plume Poppy*

Hello master gardener, Do you know what this plant is in front of the hosta? I’ve attached a photo. Thanks.  …