Fig tree

My fig tree is 30 years old trunk diameter is about 10 inches it is located in a greenhouse 10 feet by 20 feet the crown is very ample (about 20 cubic yards) produced 2 abundant crops of figs lately…

Rooftop planter garden- growing trapped on pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Rooftop Planter Garden- Growing Trapped on Pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Tomato growing downwards (after a windy day) ?

Hi Master Gardener, I started trying to grow tomatoes for the first time after attending a wonderful Master Gardener session on growing vegetables at home. I realized that my balcony is not ideal for growing tomatoes because we get approximately…


Do robins and chipmunks like them? They are decimating my haskap patch. I used to net, but was always having to release robins trapped underneath in spite of my best efforts to pin the edges of the netting to the…

Tomato stem bases rotting(?) At ground?

I’ve been growing tomatos in my raised garden bed in the last 3 years and haven’t noticed this before. I start tomato seedlings indoors and transplant them out after hardening. Seedlings looked great but within a few weeks of planting…


I grew asparagus from seed last summer in biodegradable pots, and transplanted them to the garden in early September. They seemed to be fine; most came up this year. Some have brown fronds. Don’t see any insects on them. Other…

What is this on the underside of my collard leaves

Not all leaves are affected. I don’t know if this is normal or abnormal. I juice my greens so I need to find out what this is and whether I should just be ripping off these leaves and not composting…

Rhubarb and Container Gardening

I am new to Toronto. I moved from a much colder climate where I had a yard and a wonderful rhubarb. I miss growing fresh rhubarb! I now don’t have a yard but I do have a descent sized sunny…